
The Java Operator SDK (JOSDK) provides several abstractions that work great out of the box. However, while we strive to cover the most common cases with the default behavior, we also recognize that that default behavior is not always what any given user might want for their operator. Numerous configuration options are therefore provided to help people tailor the framework to their needs.

Configuration options act at several levels, depending on which behavior you wish to act upon:

  • Operator-level using ConfigurationService
  • Reconciler-level using ControllerConfiguration
  • DependentResouce-level using the DependentResourceConfigurator interface
  • EventSource-level: some event sources, such as InformerEventSource, might need to be fine-tuned to properly identify which events will trigger the associated reconciler.

Operator-level configuration

Configuration that impacts the whole operator is performed via the ConfigurationService class. ConfigurationService is an abstract class, and the implementation can be different based on which flavor of the framework is used. For example Quarkus Operator SDK replaces the default implementation. Configurations are initialized with sensible defaults, but can be changed during initialization.

For instance, if you wish to not validate that the CRDs are present on your cluster when the operator starts and configure leader election, you would do something similar to:

Operator operator = new Operator( override -> override
        .withLeaderElectionConfiguration(new LeaderElectionConfiguration("bar", "barNS")));

Reconciler-level configuration

While reconcilers are typically configured using the @ControllerConfiguration annotation, it is also possible to override the configuration at runtime, when the reconciler is registered with the operator instance, either by passing it a completely new ControllerConfiguration instance or by preferably overriding some aspects of the current configuration using a ControllerConfigurationOverrider Consumer:

Operator operator;
Reconciler reconciler;
operator.register(reconciler, configOverrider ->

Dynamically Changing Target Namespaces

A controller can be configured to watch a specific set of namespaces in addition of the namespace in which it is currently deployed or the whole cluster. The framework supports dynamically changing the list of these namespaces while the operator is running. When a reconciler is registered, an instance of RegisteredController is returned, providing access to the methods allowing users to change watched namespaces as the operator is running.

A typical scenario would probably involve extracting the list of target namespaces from a ConfigMap or some other input but this part is out of the scope of the framework since this is use-case specific. For example, reacting to changes to a ConfigMap would probably involve registering an associated Informer and then calling the changeNamespaces method on RegisteredController.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    KubernetesClient client = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
    Operator operator = new Operator(client);
    RegisteredController registeredController = operator.register(new WebPageReconciler(client));

    // call registeredController further while operator is running

If watched namespaces change for a controller, it might be desirable to propagate these changes to InformerEventSources associated with the controller. In order to express this, InformerEventSource implementations interested in following such changes need to be configured appropriately so that the followControllerNamespaceChanges method returns true:

public class MyReconciler implements Reconciler<TestCustomResource> {

   public Map<String, EventSource> prepareEventSources(
      EventSourceContext<ChangeNamespaceTestCustomResource> context) {

    InformerEventSource<ConfigMap, TestCustomResource> configMapES =
        new InformerEventSource<>(InformerEventSourceConfiguration.from(ConfigMap.class, TestCustomResource.class)
            .build(), context);

    return EventSourceUtils.nameEventSources(configMapES);


As seen in the above code snippet, the informer will have the initial namespaces inherited from controller, but also will adjust the target namespaces if it changes for the controller.

See also the integration test for this feature.

DependentResource-level configuration

DependentResource implementations can implement the DependentResourceConfigurator interface to pass information to the implementation. For example, the SDK provides specific support for the KubernetesDependentResource, which can be configured via the @KubernetesDependent annotation. This annotation is, in turn, converted into a KubernetesDependentResourceConfig instance, which is then passed to the configureWith method implementation.


EventSource-level configuration