Kubernetes (k8s) does not have the notion of a resource “depending on” on another k8s resource, at least not in terms of the order in which these resources should be reconciled. Kubernetes operators typically need to reconcile resources in order because these resources’ state often depends on the state of other resources or cannot be processed until these other resources reach a given state or some condition holds true for them. Dealing with such scenarios are therefore rather common for operators and the purpose of the workflow feature of the Java Operator SDK (JOSDK) is to simplify supporting such cases in a declarative way. Workflows build on top of the dependent resources feature. While dependent resources focus on how a given secondary resource should be reconciled, workflows focus on orchestrating how these dependent resources should be reconciled.
Workflows describe how as a set of dependent resources (DR) depend on one another, along with the conditions that need to hold true at certain stages of the reconciliation process.
Elements of Workflow
Dependent resource (DR) - are the resources being managed in a given reconciliation logic.
Depends-on relation - a
DR depends on anotherA
DR ifB
needs to be reconciled afterA
.Reconcile precondition - is a condition on a given DR that needs to be become true before the DR is reconciled. This also allows to define optional resources that would, for example, only be created if a flag in a custom resource
has some specific value.Ready postcondition - is a condition on a given DR to prevent the workflow from proceeding until the condition checking whether the DR is ready holds true
Delete postcondition - is a condition on a given DR to check if the reconciliation of dependents can proceed after the DR is supposed to have been deleted
Activation condition - is a special condition meant to specify under which condition the DR is used in the workflow. A typical use-case for this feature is to only activate some dependents depending on the presence of optional resources / features on the target cluster. Without this activation condition, JOSDK would attempt to register an informer for these optional resources, which would cause an error in the case where the resource is missing. With this activation condition, you can now conditionally register informers depending on whether the condition holds or not. This is a very useful feature when your operator needs to handle different flavors of the platform (e.g. OpenShift vs plain Kubernetes) and/or change its behavior based on the availability of optional resources / features (e.g. CertManager, a specific Ingress controller, etc.).
A generic activation condition is provided out of the box, called CRDPresentActivationCondition
that will prevent the associated dependent resource from being activated if the Custom Resource Definition associated with the dependent’s resource type is not present on the cluster. See related integration test.To have multiple resources of same type with an activation condition is a bit tricky, since you don’t want to have multiple
for the same type, you have to explicitly name the informer for the Dependent Resource (@KubernetesDependent(informerConfig = @InformerConfig(name = "configMapInformer"))
) for all resource of same type with activation condition. This will make sure that only one is registered. See details at low level api.
Result conditions
While simple conditions are usually enough, it might happen you want to convey extra information as a result of the
evaluation of the conditions (e.g., to report error messages or because the result of the condition evaluation might be
interesting for other purposes). In this situation, you should implement DetailedCondition
instead of Condition
provide an implementation of the detailedIsMet
method, which allows you to return a more detailed Result
object via
which you can provide extra information. The DetailedCondition.Result
interface provides factory method for your
convenience but you can also provide your own implementation if required.
You can access the results for conditions from the WorkflowResult
instance that is returned whenever a workflow is
evaluated. You can access that result from the ManagedWorkflowAndDependentResourceContext
accessible from the
reconciliation Context
. You can then access individual condition results using the getDependentConditionResult
methods. You can see an example of this
in this integration test.
Defining Workflows
Similarly to dependent resources, there are two ways to define workflows, in managed and standalone manner.
Annotations can be used to declaratively define a workflow for a Reconciler
. Similarly to how
things are done for dependent resources, managed workflows execute before the reconcile
is called. The result of the reconciliation can be accessed via the Context
object that is
passed to the reconcile
The following sample shows a hypothetical use case to showcase all the elements: the primary
resource handled by our Reconciler
defines two dependent resources, a
and a ConfigMap
. The ConfigMap
depends on the Deployment
so will be
reconciled after it. Moreover, the Deployment
dependent resource defines a ready
post-condition, meaning that the ConfigMap
will not be reconciled until the condition defined
by the Deployment
becomes true
. Additionally, the ConfigMap
dependent also defines a
reconcile pre-condition, so it also won’t be reconciled until that condition becomes true
. The
also defines a delete post-condition, which means that the workflow implementation
will only consider the ConfigMap
deleted until that post-condition becomes true
@Workflow(dependents = {
@Dependent(name = DEPLOYMENT_NAME, type = DeploymentDependentResource.class,
readyPostcondition = DeploymentReadyCondition.class),
@Dependent(type = ConfigMapDependentResource.class,
reconcilePrecondition = ConfigMapReconcileCondition.class,
deletePostcondition = ConfigMapDeletePostCondition.class,
activationCondition = ConfigMapActivationCondition.class,
public class SampleWorkflowReconciler implements Reconciler<WorkflowAllFeatureCustomResource>,
Cleaner<WorkflowAllFeatureCustomResource> {
public static final String DEPLOYMENT_NAME = "deployment";
public UpdateControl<WorkflowAllFeatureCustomResource> reconcile(
WorkflowAllFeatureCustomResource resource,
Context<WorkflowAllFeatureCustomResource> context) {
context.managedWorkflowAndDependentResourceContext() // accessing workflow reconciliation results
return UpdateControl.patchStatus(resource);
public DeleteControl cleanup(WorkflowAllFeatureCustomResource resource,
Context<WorkflowAllFeatureCustomResource> context) {
// emitted code
return DeleteControl.defaultDelete();
In this mode workflow is built manually using standalone dependent resources . The workflow is created using a builder, that is explicitly called in the reconciler (from web page sample):
labelSelector = WebPageDependentsWorkflowReconciler.DEPENDENT_RESOURCE_LABEL_SELECTOR)
public class WebPageDependentsWorkflowReconciler
implements Reconciler<WebPage>, ErrorStatusHandler<WebPage> {
public static final String DEPENDENT_RESOURCE_LABEL_SELECTOR = "!low-level";
private static final Logger log =
private KubernetesDependentResource<ConfigMap, WebPage> configMapDR;
private KubernetesDependentResource<Deployment, WebPage> deploymentDR;
private KubernetesDependentResource<Service, WebPage> serviceDR;
private KubernetesDependentResource<Ingress, WebPage> ingressDR;
private final Workflow<WebPage> workflow;
public WebPageDependentsWorkflowReconciler(KubernetesClient kubernetesClient) {
workflow = new WorkflowBuilder<WebPage>()
.addDependentResource(ingressDR).withReconcilePrecondition(new ExposedIngressCondition())
public Map<String, EventSource> prepareEventSources(EventSourceContext<WebPage> context) {
return EventSourceUtils.nameEventSources(
public UpdateControl<WebPage> reconcile(WebPage webPage, Context<WebPage> context) {
var result = workflow.reconcile(webPage, context);
return UpdateControl.patchStatus(webPage);
// omitted code
Workflow Execution
This section describes how a workflow is executed in details, how the ordering is determined and
how conditions and errors affect the behavior. The workflow execution is divided in two parts
similarly to how Reconciler
and Cleaner
behavior are separated.
Cleanup is
executed if a resource is marked for deletion.
Common Principles
- As complete as possible execution - when a workflow is reconciled, it tries to reconcile as many resources as possible. Thus, if an error happens or a ready condition is not met for a resources, all the other independent resources will be still reconciled. This is the opposite to a fail-fast approach. The assumption is that eventually in this way the overall state will converge faster towards the desired state than would be the case if the reconciliation was aborted as soon as an error occurred.
- Concurrent reconciliation of independent resources - the resources which doesn’t depend on others are processed concurrently. The level of concurrency is customizable, could be set to one if required. By default, workflows use the executor service from ConfigurationService
This section describes how a workflow is executed, considering first which rules apply, then demonstrated using examples:
- A workflow is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) build from the DRs and their associated
relations. - Root nodes, i.e. nodes in the graph that do not depend on other nodes are reconciled first, in a parallel manner.
- A DR is reconciled if it does not depend on any other DRs, or ALL the DRs it depends on are
reconciled and ready. If a DR defines a reconcile pre-condition and/or an activation condition,
then these condition must become
before the DR is reconciled. - A DR is considered ready if it got successfully reconciled and any ready post-condition it
might define is
. - If a DR’s reconcile pre-condition is not met, this DR is deleted. All the DRs that depend
on the dependent resource are also recursively deleted. This implies that
DRs are deleted in reverse order compared the one in which they are reconciled. The reason
for this behavior is (Will make a more detailed blog post about the design decision, much deeper
than the reference documentation)
The reasoning behind this behavior is as follows: a DR with a reconcile pre-condition is only
reconciled if the condition holds
. This means that if the condition isfalse
and the resource didn’t exist already, then the associated resource would not be created. To ensure idempotency (i.e. with the same input state, we should have the same output state), from this follows that if the condition doesn’t holdtrue
anymore, the associated resource needs to be deleted because the resource shouldn’t exist/have been created. - If a DR’s activation condition is not met, it won’t be reconciled or deleted. If other DR’s depend on it, those will be recursively deleted in a way similar to reconcile pre-conditions. Event sources for a dependent resource with activation condition are registered/de-registered dynamically, thus during the reconciliation.
- For a DR to be deleted by a workflow, it needs to implement the
interface, in which case itsdelete
method will be called, unless it also implements theGarbageCollected
interface. If a DR doesn’t implementDeleter
it is considered as automatically deleted. If a delete post-condition exists for this DR, it needs to becometrue
for the workflow to consider the DR as successfully deleted.
Notation: The arrows depicts reconciliation ordering, thus following the reverse direction of thedepends-on
1 --> 2
mean DR 2
depends-on DR 1
Reconcile Sample
- Root nodes (i.e. nodes that don’t depend on any others) are reconciled first. In this example,
is reconciled first since it doesn’t depend on others. After that both DR2
are reconciled concurrently, then DR4
once both are reconciled successfully. - If DR
had a ready condition and if it evaluated to asfalse
, DR4
would not be reconciled. However1
would be. - If
had afalse
ready condition, neither2
would be reconciled. - If
’s reconciliation resulted in an error,4
would not be reconciled, but3
would be (and1
as well, of course).
Sample with Reconcile Precondition
stateDiagram-v2 1 --> 2 1 --> 3 3 --> 4 3 --> 5
- If
has a reconcile pre-condition that is not met,1
would be reconciled. However, DR3
would be deleted:4
would be deleted concurrently but3
would only be deleted if4
were deleted successfully (i.e. without error) and all existing delete post-conditions were met. - If
had a delete post-condition that wasfalse
would not be deleted but4
would still be because they don’t depend on one another. - Similarly, if
’s deletion resulted in an error,3
would not be deleted but4
would be.
Cleanup works identically as delete for resources in reconciliation in case reconcile pre-condition is not met, just for the whole workflow.
- Delete is called on a DR if there is no DR that depends on it
- If a DR has DRs that depend on it, it will only be deleted if all these DRs are successfully
deleted without error and any delete post-condition is
. - A DR is “manually” deleted (i.e. it’s
method is called) if it implements theDeleter
interface but does not implementGarbageCollected
. If a DR does not implementDeleter
interface, it is considered as deleted automatically.
stateDiagram-v2 1 --> 2 1 --> 3 2 --> 4 3 --> 4
- The DRs are deleted in the following order:
is deleted first, then2
are deleted concurrently, and, only after both are successfully deleted,1
is deleted. - If
had a delete post-condition that wasfalse
would not be deleted.4
would be deleted. - If
was in error, DR1
would not be deleted. DR4
would be deleted. - if
was in error, no other DR would be deleted.
Error Handling
As mentioned before if an error happens during a reconciliation, the reconciliation of other dependent resources will still happen, assuming they don’t depend on the one that failed. If case multiple DRs fail, the workflow would throw an ‘AggregatedOperatorException’ containing all the related exceptions.
The exceptions can be handled
by ErrorStatusHandler
Waiting for the actual deletion of Kubernetes Dependent Resources
Let’s consider a case when a Kubernetes Dependent Resources (KDR) depends on another resource, on cleanup
the resources will be deleted in reverse order, thus the KDR will be deleted first.
However, the workflow implementation currently simply asks the Kubernetes API server to delete the resource. This is,
however, an asynchronous process, meaning that the deletion might not occur immediately, in particular if the resource
uses finalizers that block the deletion or if the deletion itself takes some time. From the SDK’s perspective, though,
the deletion has been requested and it moves on to other tasks without waiting for the resource to be actually deleted
from the server (which might never occur if it uses finalizers which are not removed).
In situations like these, if your logic depends on resources being actually removed from the cluster before a
cleanup workflow can proceed correctly, you need to block the workflow progression using a delete post-condition that
checks that the resource is actually removed or that it, at least, doesn’t have any finalizers any longer. JOSDK
provides such a delete post-condition implementation in the form of
Also, check usage in an integration test.
In such cases the Kubernetes Dependent Resource should extend CRUDNoGCKubernetesDependentResource
and NOT CRUDKubernetesDependentResource
since otherwise the Kubernetes Garbage Collector would delete the resources.
In other words if a Kubernetes Dependent Resource depends on another dependent resource, it should not implement
interface, otherwise the deletion order won’t be guaranteed.
Explicit Managed Workflow Invocation
Managed workflows, i.e. ones that are declared via annotations and therefore completely managed by JOSDK, are reconciled before the primary resource. Each dependent resource that can be reconciled (according to the workflow configuration) will therefore be reconciled before the primary reconciler is called to reconcile the primary resource. There are, however, situations where it would be be useful to perform additional steps before the workflow is reconciled, for example to validate the current state, execute arbitrary logic or even skip reconciliation altogether. Explicit invocation of managed workflow was therefore introduced to solve these issues.
To use this feature, you need to set the explicitInvocation
field to true
on the @Workflow
annotation and then
call the reconcileManagedWorkflow
method from the ManagedWorkflowAndDependentResourceContext
retrieved from the reconciliation Context
provided as part of your primary
resource reconciler reconcile
method arguments.
See related integration test for more details.
For cleanup
, if the Cleaner
interface is implemented, the cleanupManageWorkflow()
needs to be called explicitly.
However, if Cleaner
interface is not implemented, it will be called implicitly.
related integration test.
While nothing prevents calling the workflow multiple times in a reconciler, it isn’t typical or even recommended to do
so. Conversely, if explicit invocation is requested but reconcileManagedWorkflow
is not called in the primary resource
reconciler, the workflow won’t be reconciled at all.
Notes and Caveats
- Delete is almost always called on every resource during the cleanup. However, it might be the case that the resources were already deleted in a previous run, or not even created. This should not be a problem, since dependent resources usually cache the state of the resource, so are already aware that the resource does not exist and that nothing needs to be done if delete is called.
- If a resource has owner references, it will be automatically deleted by the Kubernetes garbage
collector if the owner resource is marked for deletion. This might not be desirable, to make
sure that delete is handled by the workflow don’t use garbage collected kubernetes dependent
resource, use for
. - No state is persisted regarding the workflow execution. Every reconciliation causes all the resources to be reconciled again, in other words the whole workflow is again evaluated.
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