Event sources and related topics

See also this blog post .

Event sources are a relatively simple yet powerful and extensible concept to trigger controller executions, usually based on changes to dependent resources. You typically need an event source when you want your Reconciler to be triggered when something occurs to secondary resources that might affect the state of your primary resource. This is needed because a given Reconciler will only listen by default to events affecting the primary resource type it is configured for. Event sources act as listen to events affecting these secondary resources so that a reconciliation of the associated primary resource can be triggered when needed. Note that these secondary resources need not be Kubernetes resources. Typically, when dealing with non-Kubernetes objects or services, we can extend our operator to handle webhooks or websockets or to react to any event coming from a service we interact with. This allows for very efficient controller implementations because reconciliations are then only triggered when something occurs on resources affecting our primary resources thus doing away with the need to periodically reschedule reconciliations.

Event Sources architecture diagram

There are few interesting points here:

The CustomResourceEventSource event source is a special one, responsible for handling events pertaining to changes affecting our primary resources. This EventSource is always registered for every controller automatically by the SDK. It is important to note that events always relate to a given primary resource. Concurrency is still handled for you, even in the presence of EventSource implementations, and the SDK still guarantees that there is no concurrent execution of the controller for any given primary resource (though, of course, concurrent/parallel executions of events pertaining to other primary resources still occur as expected).

Caching and Event Sources

Kubernetes resources are handled in a declarative manner. The same also holds true for event sources. For example, if we define an event source to watch for changes of a Kubernetes Deployment object using an InformerEventSource, we always receive the whole associated object from the Kubernetes API. This object might be needed at any point during our reconciliation process and it’s best to retrieve it from the event source directly when possible instead of fetching it from the Kubernetes API since the event source guarantees that it will provide the latest version. Not only that, but many event source implementations also cache resources they handle so that it’s possible to retrieve the latest version of resources without needing to make any calls to the Kubernetes API, thus allowing for very efficient controller implementations.

Note after an operator starts, caches are already populated by the time the first reconciliation is processed for the InformerEventSource implementation. However, this does not necessarily hold true for all event source implementations (PerResourceEventSource for example). The SDK provides methods to handle this situation elegantly, allowing you to check if an object is cached, retrieving it from a provided supplier if not. See related method .

Registering Event Sources

To register event sources, your Reconciler has to override the prepareEventSources and return list of event sources to register. One way to see this in action is to look at the WebPage example (irrelevant details omitted):

import java.util.List;

public class WebappReconciler
        implements Reconciler<Webapp>, Cleaner<Webapp>, EventSourceInitializer<Webapp> {
    // ommitted code

    public List<EventSource<?, Webapp>> prepareEventSources(EventSourceContext<Webapp> context) {
        InformerEventSourceConfiguration<Webapp> configuration =
                InformerEventSourceConfiguration.from(Deployment.class, Webapp.class)
        return List.of(new InformerEventSource<>(configuration, context));

In the example above an InformerEventSource is configured and registered. InformerEventSource is one of the bundled EventSource implementations that JOSDK provides to cover common use cases.

Managing Relation between Primary and Secondary Resources

Event sources let your operator know when a secondary resource has changed and that your operator might need to reconcile this new information. However, in order to do so, the SDK needs to somehow retrieve the primary resource associated with which ever secondary resource triggered the event. In the Webapp example above, when an event occurs on a tracked Deployment, the SDK needs to be able to identify which Webapp resource is impacted by that change.

Seasoned Kubernetes users already know one way to track this parent-child kind of relationship: using owner references. Indeed, that’s how the SDK deals with this situation by default as well, that is, if your controller properly set owner references on your secondary resources, the SDK will be able to follow that reference back to your primary resource automatically without you having to worry about it.

However, owner references cannot always be used as they are restricted to operating within a single namespace (i.e. you cannot have an owner reference to a resource in a different namespace) and are, by essence, limited to Kubernetes resources so you’re out of luck if your secondary resources live outside of a cluster.

This is why JOSDK provides the SecondayToPrimaryMapper interface so that you can provide alternative ways for the SDK to identify which primary resource needs to be reconciled when something occurs to your secondary resources. We even provide some of these alternatives in the Mappers class.

Note that, while a set of ResourceID is returned, this set usually consists only of one element. It is however possible to return multiple values or even no value at all to cover some rare corner cases. Returning an empty set means that the mapper considered the secondary resource event as irrelevant and the SDK will thus not trigger a reconciliation of the primary resource in that situation.

Adding a SecondaryToPrimaryMapper is typically sufficient when there is a one-to-many relationship between primary and secondary resources. The secondary resources can be mapped to its primary owner, and this is enough information to also get these secondary resources from the Context object that’s passed to your Reconciler.

There are however cases when this isn’t sufficient and you need to provide an explicit mapping between a primary resource and its associated secondary resources using an implementation of the PrimaryToSecondaryMapper interface. This is typically needed when there are many-to-one or many-to-many relationships between primary and secondary resources, e.g. when the primary resource is referencing secondary resources. See PrimaryToSecondaryIT integration test for a sample.

Built-in EventSources

There are multiple event-sources provided out of the box, the following are some more central ones:


InformerEventSource is probably the most important EventSource implementation to know about. When you create an InformerEventSource, JOSDK will automatically create and register a SharedIndexInformer, a fabric8 Kubernetes client class, that will listen for events associated with the resource type you configured your InformerEventSource with. If you want to listen to Kubernetes resource events, InformerEventSource is probably the only thing you need to use. It’s highly configurable so you can tune it to your needs. Take a look at InformerEventSourceConfiguration and associated classes for more details but some interesting features we can mention here is the ability to filter events so that you can only get notified for events you care about. A particularly interesting feature of the InformerEventSource, as opposed to using your own informer-based listening mechanism is that caches are particularly well optimized preventing reconciliations from being triggered when not needed and allowing efficient operators to be written.


PerResourcePollingEventSource is used to poll external APIs, which don’t support webhooks or other event notifications. It extends the abstract ExternalResourceCachingEventSource to support caching. See MySQL Schema sample for usage.


PollingEventSource is similar to PerResourceCachingEventSource except that, contrary to that event source, it doesn’t poll a specific API separately per resource, but periodically and independently of actually observed primary resources.

Inbound event sources

SimpleInboundEventSource and CachingInboundEventSource are used to handle incoming events from webhooks and messaging systems.


ControllerResourceEventSource is a special EventSource implementation that you will never have to deal with directly. It is, however, at the core of the SDK is automatically added for you: this is the main event source that listens for changes to your primary resources and triggers your Reconciler when needed. It features smart caching and is really optimized to minimize Kubernetes API accesses and avoid triggering unduly your Reconciler.

More on the philosophy of the non Kubernetes API related event source see in issue #729.

InformerEventSource Multi-Cluster Support

It is possible to handle resources for remote cluster with InformerEventSource. To do so, simply set a client that connects to a remote cluster:

InformerEventSourceConfiguration<WebPage> configuration =
        InformerEventSourceConfiguration.from(SecondaryResource.class, PrimaryResource.class)

You will also need to specify a SecondaryToPrimaryMapper, since the default one is based on owner references and won’t work across cluster instances. You could, for example, use the provided implementation that relies on annotations added to the secondary resources to identify the associated primary resource.

See related integration test.

Generation Awareness and Event Filtering

A best practice when an operator starts up is to reconcile all the associated resources because changes might have occurred to the resources while the operator was not running.

When this first reconciliation is done successfully, the next reconciliation is triggered if either dependent resources are changed or the primary resource .spec field is changed. If other fields like .metadata are changed on the primary resource, the reconciliation could be skipped. This behavior is supported out of the box and reconciliation is by default not triggered if changes to the primary resource do not increase the .metadata.generation field. Note that changes to .metada.generation are automatically handled by Kubernetes.

To turn off this feature, set generationAwareEventProcessing to false for the Reconciler.

Max Interval Between Reconciliations

When informers / event sources are properly set up, and the Reconciler implementation is correct, no additional reconciliation triggers should be needed. However, it’s a common practice to have a failsafe periodic trigger in place, just to make sure resources are nevertheless reconciled after a certain amount of time. This functionality is in place by default, with a rather high time interval (currently 10 hours) after which a reconciliation will be automatically triggered even in the absence of other events. See how to override this using the standard annotation:

@ControllerConfiguration(maxReconciliationInterval = @MaxReconciliationInterval(
                interval = 50,
                timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
public class MyReconciler implements Reconciler<HasMetadata> {}

The event is not propagated at a fixed rate, rather it’s scheduled after each reconciliation. So the next reconciliation will occur at most within the specified interval after the last reconciliation.

This feature can be turned off by setting maxReconciliationInterval to Constants.NO_MAX_RECONCILIATION_INTERVAL or any non-positive number.

The automatic retries are not affected by this feature so a reconciliation will be re-triggered on error, according to the specified retry policy, regardless of this maximum interval setting.

Rate Limiting

It is possible to rate limit reconciliation on a per-resource basis. The rate limit also takes precedence over retry/re-schedule configurations: for example, even if a retry was scheduled for the next second but this request would make the resource go over its rate limit, the next reconciliation will be postponed according to the rate limiting rules. Note that the reconciliation is never cancelled, it will just be executed as early as possible based on rate limitations.

Rate limiting is by default turned off, since correct configuration depends on the reconciler implementation, in particular, on how long a typical reconciliation takes. (The parallelism of reconciliation itself can be limited ConfigurationService by configuring the ExecutorService appropriately.)

A default rate limiter implementation is provided, see: PeriodRateLimiter . Users can override it by implementing their own RateLimiter and specifying this custom implementation using the rateLimiter field of the @ControllerConfiguration annotation. Similarly to the Retry implementations, RateLimiter implementations must provide an accessible, no-arg constructor for instantiation purposes and can further be automatically configured from your own, provided annotation provided your RateLimiter implementation also implements the AnnotationConfigurable interface, parameterized by your custom annotation type.

To configure the default rate limiter use the @RateLimited annotation on your Reconciler class. The following configuration limits each resource to reconcile at most twice within a 3 second interval:

@RateLimited(maxReconciliations = 2, within = 3, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
public class MyReconciler implements Reconciler<MyCR> {


Thus, if a given resource was reconciled twice in one second, no further reconciliation for this resource will happen before two seconds have elapsed. Note that, since rate is limited on a per-resource basis, other resources can still be reconciled at the same time, as long, of course, that they stay within their own rate limits.

Optimizing Caches

One of the ideas around the operator pattern is that all the relevant resources are cached, thus reconciliation is usually very fast (especially if no resources are updated in the process) since the operator is then mostly working with in-memory state. However for large clusters, caching huge amount of primary and secondary resources might consume lots of memory. JOSDK provides ways to mitigate this issue and optimize the memory usage of controllers. While these features are working and tested, we need feedback from real production usage.

Bounded Caches for Informers

Limiting caches for informers - thus for Kubernetes resources - is supported by ensuring that resources are in the cache for a limited time, via a cache eviction of least recently used resources. This means that when resources are created and frequently reconciled, they stay “hot” in the cache. However, if, over time, a given resource “cools” down, i.e. it becomes less and less used to the point that it might not be reconciled anymore, it will eventually get evicted from the cache to free up memory. If such an evicted resource were to become reconciled again, the bounded cache implementation would then fetch it from the API server and the “hot/cold” cycle would start anew.

Since all resources need to be reconciled when a controller start, it is not practical to set a maximal cache size as it’s desirable that all resources be cached as soon as possible to make the initial reconciliation process on start as fast and efficient as possible, avoiding undue load on the API server. It’s therefore more interesting to gradually evict cold resources than try to limit cache sizes.

See usage of the related implementation using Caffeine cache in integration tests for primary resources.

See also CaffeineBoundedItemStores for more details.